
My name is Ruslan Yakushev. I am a program manager on IIS team, working on some of the very interesting projects that are being developed in the team right now. I have joined the team about a year ago, and was thinking about starting a blog for a while now. The primary work responsibilities kept me busy, so I have been postponing blog idea for a while. Every time I needed to make an announcement or an update on IIS community site, I asked some of my colleagues  on the team to blog my content. Finally, I figured that I should probably start my own blog, so I could have all the freedom of publishing my own content any time I want.

Being a technical program manager on the team, I like to use (in other words - “dogfood”) the products that team develops. Hence I decided to self-host my own blog by using latest version of IIS. Also, I have been working with FastCGI and PHP for a while now, and became quite familiar with many popular PHP applications. As a result I chose to run my blog by using latest version of WordPress, which is a very nice and easy to use blog engine application. Finally, I am using my favorite feature of IIS 7.0 - URL rewriter - to enable “pretty permalinks” on my blog.

I plan to use this blog to publish information related to FastCGI, PHP, URL rewriter and IIS in general. I hope you’ll find this content useful.

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